News from LCA to go

Upcoming Carbon Footprint Calculator for Product Packaging

Upcoming Carbon Footprint Calculator for Product Packaging

In the course of the mentoring program for SMEs it happens occasionally that a certain company or product is not properly covered by the scope of the customized webtools. Thanks to the resources foreseen for the mentoring complementary tools and approaches can be developed by the LCA to go team.

Exactly this now happened as an SME offering packaging design services got aware, that the LCA to go tools cover packaging only on a very general level, which makes good sense as for many high-tech products packaging is a minor life cycle issue. For a packaging company however the packaging is everything.

That's why now a more sophisticated calculator only for packaging is under development as an excel tool. It will be made available through the project website in the next few months. If you are in a similar situation, talk to us and we might provide help through the bilateral mentoring program.

from Karsten Schischke at