Roadmap for the LCA to go Project


This table shows the 12 overall milestones with their expected dates. The involved work packages and general assembly points are also listed.
Milestone name WP Expected date GA Means of verification
M1Kick-off Meeting 11 Decisions, minutes
M2Decision on method­ological concept for LCA support of SMEs 13 Perspectives of all involved stake­holders considered, feedback from target sectors
M3Consensus on sec­toral models and their scientific verification 2 Compilation of Technical Reports, positive feedback from target sectors
M4Consensus on software specification 3 Specifi­cation avail­able and agreed by partners
M5Avail­ability of web tool alpha version 3 First release of web tool
M6Avail­ability of web tool beta version 3 Beta release of web tool
M7Decision on pilot applications in case study SMEs 45 Application case outlined for all case studies
M8Success­ful demonstration: Im­plement­ation in Case Study SMEs 4&5 Documented achievements/improvements, quantitative assessments
M9Successful exploitation to be expected 66 Consortium consensus on exploitation plan
M1010 awareness raising seminars scheduled 67 Published venues, dates for all events
M11 100 SMEs acquired for bilateral training and dis­semination activities 68 no. of confirmed SME participants (LoIs)
M12Success­ful accredi­tation of training modules 6 Accreditation proven


Here can be seen the timelines of all work packages.
WP/Task Description WP Leader 2011 2012 2013 2014
Q1Q2 Q3Q4 Q1Q2Q3Q4 Q1Q2Q3Q4 Q1Q2Q3Q4
1 Concepts for Sectoral LCA Approaches TUW XXXX XXXX
2 Simplified Operating Methods: Development and Verification Fraun­hofer XX XXX
3 Web tool development SIMPPLE XXXX XXXX XX
4 Case Studies: Conceptual Stage and Scientific Verification ITR XX XX
5 Case Studies: Implementation in SMEs and Supply Chains SIRRIS XX XX
6 Dissemination and Training EDC XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
7 Standardisation, Policy Implications and Recommendations GAIA XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
8 Project Management and Coordination Fraun­hofer XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
General Assembly: Fraun­hofer